Visa, Immigration, Residence and Nationality in Andorra

How can we help you?

Located in the centre of Andorra-La-Vella, VIP Serveis offers a comprehensive service to individuals who would like to obtain a residence permit in the principality of Andorra. Whether you are an entrepreneur, an investor, a financially independent individual, a digital nomad, a renowned artist, athlete or researcher, there are several immigration programs that can be suitable for you based on your profile.

By working with professionals from around the world, we assist our clients with anything they might need, ensuring they integrate successfully in their new home.

We work with the main financial institutions of Andorra, such as Andbank, Creand (Credit Andorra), and Morabanc, which allows us to find the best investment options for our clients.


We help our clients find the best schools for their children in Andorra.


We assist our clients in changing their drivers license.

Our commitment is to represent the interests of our clients in Andorra and to facilitate the various administrative or operational formalities that they may encounter in the country. We ensure that you and your family feel as comfortable as possible and are integrated with ease in your new home.

It should be noted that all the immigration programs in Andorra are subject to an annual quota.

If you would like to find out more about our services, you can call us directly at: +376 325 487

Advantages of Andorra

Located in the heart of the Pyrenees, Andorra offers a unique experience with several advantages:


As a resident of Andorra, you can easily access Spain and France. Additionally, you can benefit from tax-free shopping in every country of the European Union.


The country is considered to be one of the safest countries to live in.


Andorra offers a favorable tax system, with a corporate tax ranging from 2 to 10%, and a personal income tax ranging from 0 to 10%. The gradual percentage based on income is as follows:

  • Income that is up to €24,000 is exempt of any taxes.
  • Income from €24,001 to €40,000 has a tax rate of 5%.
  • Income that is above €40,000 has a maximum tax rate of 10%.
  • There are no taxes on dividends and on inheritance.

The country has a stable and internationally recognized banking system.

Andorra has one of the highest income levels per capita.

The country is well-know for its sport and leisure infrastructure, especially for winter sports such as skiing.

In summary, Andorra offers a unique lifestyle with a high standard of living, an extremely secure environment, an attractive tax system, and excellent sports and leisure facilities, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a high-quality environment.

Residence permits

1. Passive or non-lucrative residence program in Andorra

The Andorran passive or non-lucrative residence program is an ideal immigration program for individuals who have sufficient financial resources to support themselves in Andorra without working in the country.

  • Invest a minimum amount of €600,000 in Andorran assets as follows:
    • Demonstrate sufficient financial means to reside in Andorra. The main applicant will have to provide evidence of an annual income equivalent to 300% of the Andorran minimum wage, which is of €47,500 and an additional income equivalent to 100% for each member of the family, which is of €15,500.
    • Transfer to the Andorran Financial Authority (AFA) the sum of €47,500 for the main applicant and of €9,500 for each family member. The total amount of this deposit acts as a security deposit and will be kept in Andorra for the duration of your stay in the country. This deposit may be refunded to you (without interest) when you obtain Andorran citizenship or if you decide to voluntarily renounce your residence permit in Andorra.
    • Cover governmental fees of €2,500 for the issuance of the first Andorran residence card for the main applicant and of €500 for each family member.
    • The remaining amount will have to be invested in assets in Andorra.
  • Be covered by medical insurance in Andorra.
  • Possess regular and long-term accommodation in Andorra and spend a minimum of 90 days each year in the Principality of Andorra.

Foreign documents will have to be translated into Catalan by a sworn translator. Certain documents issued in Spanish or French may be accepted in Andorra. Additionally, most documents will have to be apostilled. Below is the general list of documents required by third-country nationals. However, it is important to note that the list of documents is different for citizens of the European Union.

  • Official application forms dated and signed.
  • Recent color photo ID, 35x45mm.
  • International passport.
  • National identity card.
  • Marriage certificate if you are married and a certificate of celibacy if you are single (to be issued under 3 months).
  • Birth certificate (only required for children).
  • Vaccination booklet for children under 16 years of age (if applicable).
  • Documents confirming that a dependent child up to 24 years old is a full-time student (if applicable).
  • Police certificate (will have to be issued in less than 3 months from your country of origin and of residence).
  • Medical insurance valid during the entire stay in Andorra.
  • Confirmation of accommodation in Andorra.
  • Bank certificate and bank statements.
  • Business registration documents from any company in which you own 25% or more.
  • Tax assessment covering the previous 5 years.
  • Documents justifying the source of income.
  • Demonstrate legal residence covering the past 5 years.

* It should be noted that the list of documents slightly differs for European Union citizens.

Personalized consultation: At VIP Serveis, we first begin by conducting a private consultation with each client to address all relevant issues with regards to their immigration application.

Document legalization: We will help you prepare, legalize and translate all of the required documents.

Bank account opening and property rental or purchase: We will be glad to welcome you in Andorra and assist you in opening a bank account and acquiring or renting a property.

Medical insurance: We will assist you and your family in subscribing to medical insurance in Andorra.

Submission of the residence permit application and medical examination: Once your file is complete and your documents are legalized and translated, we will reserve an appointment for you to submit your residence permit application. We will accompany you during the appointment at the Immigration Department of Andorra. Following the appointment, you and your family members may have to undergo a medical examination.

Deposit at AFA: After your file is reviewed and approved by the Immigration Department of Andorra, you will have to proceed with a deposit transfer to AFA. The deposit will be held at AFA during the entire stay of your residency and may be refunded only after you become a citizen of Andorra or if you decide to renounce your residence permit.

Obtaining the first Andorran residence card: When your residence permit is ready to be collected, the Andorran Immigration Department will contact you. You will be asked to cover the government fees for issuing the permit. In the event that you are unable to collect your residence permit in person, we will be able to collect it for you by proxy. It is important to note that from this moment you will have a period of six months to proceed with the remaining investments within the Andorran assets. Finally, once the residence permit is issued, you will have 30 days to provide a certificate of residence registration from the Comú of your residence city to the Immigration Department of Andorra. 

According to Andorran Immigration Law, it is possible to renew the residence permit for another period of two years. While the third residence permit will be valid for three years. After seven years of legal residency, you may be eligible to apply for a permanent residence status in Andorra, which is valid for 10 years.

A child that is born in Andorra can become Andorran citizen if the parents hold a legal residence permit in the country.

The laws that regulate the residence permit “sense activitat lucrativa” in Andorra is based on the regulation “Llei 9/2012, del 31 de maig, de mobilitat internacional per raons no lucratives” and the “Reglament de l’articulat de la Llei 9/2012, del 31 de maig, de mobilitat internacional per raons no lucratives”.

2. Residence permit for professionals with international projection

Individuals who would like to carry out a professional activity with international projection in Andorra may request a residence permit for professionals with international projection.

  • Set up a company in Andorra.
  • Hire at least one local employee.
  • At least 85% of the company’s income will have to be provided from outside of Andorra.
  • Transfer the amount of €47,500 for the main applicant as a retention deposit to the Andorran Financial Authority (AFA) and an additional amount of €9,500 for each dependent. The total deposit amount can be refunded to you after you either become a citizen of Andorra or renounce your residence permit. The government fee for issuing the first residence card is of €2,500 for the main applicant and of €500 for each family member.
  • Demonstrate that the company can generate sufficient revenues that will allow you to support yourself and your family members in Andorra.
  • Demonstrate sufficient resources to reside in Andorra. The income is based on the annual minimum wage revenue in Andorra, that should be at least equivalent to 300% for the main applicant (i.e.€47,500) and to 100% (i.e.€15,500) for each family member part of the application.
  • Possess the necessary qualifications and professional experience in the sector in which the company will be operating in Andorra.
  • Possess long-term accommodation in Andorra and reside in the country at least 90 days each year.

Personal documents that are issued in a foreign language will have to be officially translated into Catalan. However, some documents issued in Spanish or French can be accepted. Most of the documents will also have to be legalized and apostilled. Below is a general list of documents that can vary based on your situation: 

  • Official application forms dated and signed.
  • Recent color photograph, 35×45 mm.
  • International passport.
  • National identity card.
  • Confirmation of civil status:
    • If single: Declaration of single status.
    • If married: Marriage certificate.
  • Birth certificate (required to children only).
  • Vaccination booklet for children under 16 years old (if applicable).
  • Police certificate issued from your country of citizenship and from any country you have resided in. It should be noted that he police certificate has a validity of up to 3 months.
  • Medical insurance valid in Andorra that is covering all health risks.
  • Confirmation of long-term accommodation in Andorra.
  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae.
  • Bank certificate, bank statements and bank reference under your personal name.
  • Financial statements under the company name in the event that the company exists in another country.
  • Business and financial plans.
  • Company registration certificate.
  • Tax assessment under your personal name covering the previous 5 years.
  • Tax assessment under the company name if it is an existing business.
  • Diploma and/or certifications
  • Documents confirming you have the professional experience in the field you intend the company to operate in.

* It is important to note that the list of documents is slightly different for European Union citizens.

Personalized consultation: At VIP Serveis, we first begin by conducting a private consultation with each client to address all relevant issues with regards to their immigration application.

Document legalization: We will help you prepare, legalize and translate all of the required documents.

Bank account opening and property rental or purchase: We will be glad to welcome you in Andorra and assist you in opening a bank account and acquiring or renting a property.

Medical insurance: We will assist you and your family in subscribing to medical insurance in Andorra.

Submission of the residence permit application and medical examination: Once your file is complete and your documents are legalized and translated, we will reserve an appointment for you to submit your residence permit application. We will accompany you during the appointment at the Immigration Department of Andorra. Following the appointment, you and your family members may have to undergo a medical examination.

Deposit at AFA: After your file is reviewed and approved by the Immigration Department of Andorra, you will have to proceed with a deposit transfer to AFA. The deposit will be held at AFA during the entire stay of your residency and may be refunded only after you become a citizen of Andorra or if you decide to renounce your residence permit.

Obtaining the first Andorran residence card: When your residence permit is ready to be collected, the Andorran Immigration Department will contact you. You will be asked to cover the government fees for issuing the permit. In the event that you are unable to collect your residence permit in person, we will be able to collect it for you by proxy. It is important to note that from this moment you will have a period of six months to proceed with the remaining investments within the Andorran assets. Finally, once the residence permit is issued, you will have 30 days to provide a certificate of residence registration from the Comú of your residence city to the Immigration Department of Andorra.

The first residence card of Andorra under the category of international projection is valid for two years. The following residence permit can be renewed for a period of two years and of three years respectively. The permanent residence status of Andorra, which is a card that is valid for ten years can be obtained after residing in the county for at least seven years.

The laws that regulate the residence permit under the international projection are the ‘’Llei qualificada del 14 de juny de 2012 sobre l’entrada, la circulació i la residència dels estrangers al Principat d’Andorra’’, as well as the ‘’Decret del 30 de novembre de 2012 pel qual s’aprova el Reglament d’aplicació de la Llei qualificada’’.

3. Residence permit for scientists, artists and athletes

If you are a foreigner with international recognition in the cultural, sportive or scientific field, you are eligible for this immigration program. This is a very popular program as it does not require any additional investments in the country.

  • Have international recognition in the cultural, sportive or scientific fields.
  • Have Andorran health insurance.
  • Possess long-term accommodation in Andorra.
  • Reside in Andorra for at least 90 days every year.
  • Make a non-interest-bearing deposit of €47,500 to the Andorran Financial Authority AFA) and an additional amount of €9,500 for each family member part of the same application. It is worth to note that the deposit will be held at AFA for the period of your residency in Andorra and can be refunded to you if you become a citizen of Andorra or if you decide to voluntarily renounce your residence status in the country.
  • Demonstrate sufficient means of substance to be able to support yourself in Andorra. You should have an income equivalent to at least 300% of the annual minimum Andorran wage (i.e. €47,500) and an additional income of at least 100% (i.e. €15,500) for each family member. The source of the income will have to come from the cultural, sportive or scientific spheres.

All foreign supporting documents will have to be translated into Catalan, which is the official language of the country. Documents in Spanish or in French are accepted considering they are commonly used in Andorra. Additionally, the foreign documents issued outside of Andorra need to be certified with an apostille.

  • Photograph (35×45 mm).
  • Official application forms.
  • International passport.
  • National identity card.
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable) or a declaration of single status.
  • Police certificate issued from your country of citizenship and/or country of residence issued less than 3 months.
  • Birth certificate (required only for children) and vaccination booklet (for under 16 years old).
  • Evidence of international recognition in the cultural, sportive or scientific spheres.
  • Confirmation documents of income.
  • Detailed curriculum vitae of your educational background, of professional experience and of obtained achievements and awards.
  • Confirmation of long-term accommodation in Andorra, such as a title deed or a rental agreement.
  • Medical coverage from a local insurance.
  • Bank certificate and bank statements.

* It should be noted that the list of documents is slightly different for European Union citizens.

Personalized consultation: At VIP Serveis, we first begin by conducting a private consultation with each client to address all relevant issues with regards to their immigration application.

Document legalization: We will help you prepare, legalize and translate all of the required documents.

Bank account opening and property rental or purchase: We will be glad to welcome you in Andorra and assist you in opening a bank account and acquiring or renting a property.

Medical insurance: We will assist you and your family in subscribing to medical insurance in Andorra.

Submission of the residence permit application and medical examination: Once your file is complete and your documents are legalized and translated, we will reserve an appointment for you to submit your residence permit application. We will accompany you during the appointment at the Immigration Department of Andorra. Following the appointment, you and your family members may have to undergo a medical examination.

Deposit at AFA: After your file is reviewed and approved by the Immigration Department of Andorra, you will have to proceed with a deposit transfer to AFA. The deposit will be held at AFA during the entire stay of your residency and may be refunded only after you become a citizen of Andorra or if you decide to renounce your residence permit.

Obtaining the first Andorran residence card: When your residence permit is ready to be collected, the Andorran Immigration Department will contact you. You will be asked to cover the government fees for issuing the permit. In the event that you are unable to collect your residence permit in person, we will be able to collect it for you by proxy. It is important to note that from this moment you will have a period of six months to proceed with the remaining investments within the Andorran assets. Finally, once the residence permit is issued, you will have 30 days to provide a certificate of residence registration from the Comú of your residence city to the Immigration Department of Andorra.

The requirements and procedures for obtaining residence permit under scientific, cultural, or sportive reasons are detailed in the following articles of ‘’Secció 2 del Capítol V’’ of the Andorran Immigration and Emigration Law.

4. Residence permit for Digital Nomads

In 2023, Andorra implemented a new immigration program designed for individuals who do not require a specific geographical location to carry out their profession.

It is important to note that this residence permit for Digital Nomads does not require  you to make any kind of investment or deposit with the Andorran Government.

  • Occupy a work that can be accomplished remotely and obtain a favorable resolution from the Ministry of Economy certifying that you are considered as a Digital Nomad. In other words, an individual is considered a digital nomad if he is able to carry out the work remotely, does not require a specific geographical location and uses telecommunications and technology, in accordance with regulatory provisions.
  • The applicant must reside in Andorra for at least 90 days per year.
  • Demonstrate sufficient income to reside in Andorra. The primary applicant must justify an annual income of at least 300% of the Andorran minimum wage (which is approximately €47,500) and an additional amount equivalent to 100% for each family member (which is equivalent to €15,500).
  • Both you and your family will have to be covered by Andorran health insurance.
  • Provide proof of residency status with a rental contract or property deed in Andorra.

Foreign documents will have to be translated into Catalan, which is the official language of the country. Documents in Spanish or in French can also be accepted. Unless otherwise specified, all required documents will have to be legalized with an Apostille. In countries where obtaining the Apostille is not possible, the original documents will have to be properly legalized according to local’s country procedure. Below is a general list of documents that may vary depending on your specific situation:

  • Official application forms, dated and signed.
  • Recent color ID photograph, sized 35×45 mm.
  • Passport or travel document.
  • National identification card.
  • Marriage certificate if you are married or a declaration of celibacy if you are single (issued under 3 months).
  • Birth certificate for dependent children (if applicable).
  • Vaccination booklet for children under 16 years old (if applicable).
  • Documents proving that a dependent child (up to 24 years old) is a full-time student (if applicable).
  • Police certificate from your country of citizenship and or any country of residency to be issued less than 3 months.
  • Bank certificate and bank statements demonstrating financial solvency as stipulated by Immigration regulations in Andorra.
  • Financial support documents from the previous year related to the activity subject to the application.
  • Work agreement and pay slips.
  • Documents justifying your place of residence in Andorra, which can be confirmed with either a rental contract or property deed.
  • Favorable resolution from the Government of Andorra certifying Digital Nomad status.

It is important to note that the documents list can vary for citizens of a European Union country.

Personalized consultation: At VIP Serveis, we first begin by conducting a private consultation with each client to address all relevant issues with regards to their immigration application.

Document legalization: We will help you prepare, legalize and translate all of the required documents.

Bank account opening and property rental or purchase: We will be glad to welcome you in Andorra and assist you in opening a bank account and acquiring or renting a property.

Medical insurance: We will assist you and your family in subscribing to medical insurance in Andorra.

Submission of the residence permit application and medical examination: Once your file is complete and your documents are legalized and translated, we will reserve an appointment for you to submit your residence permit application. We will accompany you during the appointment at the Immigration Department of Andorra. Following the appointment, you and your family members may have to undergo a medical examination.

Deposit at AFA: After your file is reviewed and approved by the Immigration Department of Andorra, you will have to proceed with a deposit transfer to AFA. The deposit will be held at AFA during the entire stay of your residency and may be refunded only after you become a citizen of Andorra or if you decide to renounce your residence permit.

Obtaining the first Andorran residence card: When your residence permit is ready to be collected, the Andorran Immigration Department will contact you. You will be asked to cover the government fees for issuing the permit. In the event that you are unable to collect your residence permit in person, we will be able to collect it for you by proxy. It is important to note that from this moment you will have a period of six months to proceed with the remaining investments within the Andorran assets. Finally, once the residence permit is issued, you will have 30 days to provide a certificate of residence registration from the Comú of your residence city to the Immigration Department of Andorra.

The specific requirements and procedures for obtaining residency as a Digital Nomad are established according to the current regulations in the Principality of Andorra.

A born child in Andorra can obtain Andorran citizenship if the parents hold a legal residence status in the country.

The first Andorran residence card will be valid for 2 years which can be extended for another period of 2 years. The following residence permit will have a validity of 3 years. After residing in Andorra for at least 7 years, it is possible to become a permanent resident and obtain a residence card valid for 10 years.

5. Self-employed residence permit

The self-employed residence program is ideal for individuals who want to establish themselves permanently in Andorra while being self-employed.

  • To carry an authorized self-employed activity in the Principality of Andorra.
  • Establish yourself permanently in the country and spend at minimum 183 days every year.
  • Possess regular and long term accommodation in Andorra.
  • Have a valid medical insurance valid in the Principality.

In case of foreign investment:

  • Having obtained the corresponding foreign investment authorization to set up an Andorran company in which you have a stake of more than 34%, and legally constituted the reference company.
  • Holding a position on the board of directors of the same company.
  • Proving, within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of entry of the immigration authorization application, that the legally constituted reference company in point (a) is the holder of a duly registered and active business in the Principality of Andorra.
  • Making and depositing with the Andorran Financial Authority (AFA), at the same time as the immigration authorization application is submitted, the sum of fifty thousand (50,000 euros) non-remunerated.

In case of a liberal professional:

  • Proving, within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of entry of the immigration authorization application, that you have obtained the authorization to exercise the liberal profession from the Government and the corresponding registration in the corresponding professional association, if applicable.

All foreign documents will have to have an apostille and be translated into Catalan, French or Spanish.

  • Official application forms.
  • Colored photograph ID 35×45 mm.
  • International passport.
  • National identity card.
  • Police certificate issued less than 3 months from your country of origin and of any other country of residence.
  • Birth certificate (required for children only) and vaccination booklet for children under 16 years old.
  • Marriage certificate (issued under 3 months).
  • Medical insurance covering all health risks during the intended stay in Andorra.
  • Bank certificate and bank statements.
  • Detailed curriculum vitae describing your professional experience and education background.
  • Authorization to carry out the self-employed work in Andorra (if applicable).

* It is important to note that the list of documents may differ for citizens from a European Union country.

Personalized consultation: At VIP Serveis, we first begin by conducting a private consultation with each client to address all relevant issues with regards to their immigration application.

Document legalization: We will help you prepare, legalize and translate all of the required documents.

Bank account opening and property rental or purchase: We will be glad to welcome you in Andorra and assist you in opening a bank account and acquiring or renting a property.

Medical insurance: We will assist you and your family in subscribing to medical insurance in Andorra.

Submission of the residence permit application and medical examination: Once your file is complete and your documents are legalized and translated, we will reserve an appointment for you to submit your residence permit application. We will accompany you during the appointment at the Immigration Department of Andorra. Following the appointment, you and your family members may have to undergo a medical examination.

Deposit at AFA: After your file is reviewed and approved by the Immigration Department of Andorra, you will have to proceed with a deposit transfer to AFA. The deposit will be held at AFA during the entire stay of your residency and may be refunded only after you become a citizen of Andorra or if you decide to renounce your residence permit.

Obtaining the first Andorran residence card: When your residence permit is ready to be collected, the Andorran Immigration Department will contact you. You will be asked to cover the government fees for issuing the permit. In the event that you are unable to collect your residence permit in person, we will be able to collect it for you by proxy. It is important to note that from this moment you will have a period of six months to proceed with the remaining investments within the Andorran assets. Finally, once the residence permit is issued, you will have 30 days to provide a certificate of residence registration from the Comú of your residence city to the Immigration Department of Andorra.

The first residence permit is valid for one year and can be extended on three occasions for a period of two years each. After residing in Andorra for at least seven years, it is possible to become a permanent resident and obtain a card that is valid for ten years.

The self-employed immigration program of Andorra is regulated by the “Llei 10/2012, del 21 de juny, d’immigració i emigració i pel Reglament d’aplicació, aprovat pel Decret de 7 de novembre de 2012.”


There are three ways to become a citizen of Andorra:


Citizenship by naturalization

After holding a residence permit and residing in Andorra for 20 years, you can become an Andorran citizen by naturalization. This period can be decreased to 10 years if you have completed your studies in the country.


Citizenship by birth

A child born in Andorra obtains the Andorran nationality if the parents hold a legal residence permit in the country.


Citizenship by marriage

If you have been married to an Andorran citizen for at lest 3 years and have never been legally separated, you can obtain the Andorran nationality.

At VIP Serveis we can help you obtain your Andorran nationality.

The standard procedure of citizenship application is as follows:

Book an appointment.

*You will be able to choose a specific date in the next step.


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A simple and convenient solution for any query related to your immigration process.

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