Visa, Immigration, Residence and Nationality in Spain

How can we help you?

At VIP Serveis, we specialize in offering quality service that facilitates obtaining a residence permit in Spain. We collaborate with professionals in the field of immigration to accompany you during the entire process and ensure its success. Our extensive knowledge of the field and of the real estate market allows us to provide our clients with the best investment options in the country.

We collaborate closely with the main financial institutions in Spain, such as Banco Sabadell, Bankia and Bankinter, which allows us to offer our clients effective financial management.


We assist our clients in finding the best schools for their children in the country.


We help our clients change their drivers license.

We are committed to providing a smooth and successful experience for our clients in their relocation process to Spain.
If you would like to find out more about our services or the immigration process in Spain, you can call us directly at: + 34 683238499

Advantages of Spain

Spain offers its residents a unique and high-quality lifestyle for several reasons:


Quality of life

Spain is known for its healthy lifestyle, warm climate and delicious food. It also has a vibrant and diverse culture and it offers a wide range of leisure and entertainment options.

Healthcare system

Spain has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, with high-quality hospitals and medical centers.



The country offers schools, universities and vocational training programs, both public and private. Additionally, it provides several opportunities to learn Spanish, one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.

Cost of life

The cost of living in Spain is relatively low compared to other European countries, making it an attractive destination for those seeking an affordable lifestyle.


Strategic location

Spain is strategically located in Europe and is an important entry point to the continent. It also has a well-developed transportation system, which facilitates traveling to other destinations.

Process of obtaining a residence permit

The process of obtaining a Spanish residence permit is relatively easy and rapid, especially for citizens of the European Union.

Spain is a country with many advantages for those who wish to settle there, with a wide range of opportunities both on a personal and professional level. At VIP Serveis we are here to help you with everything you need to make your move to Spain a smooth and successful experience.

Residence permits

1. Non-lucrative Program of Residence in Spain

Spain offers a residence permit designed for individuals who wish to establish themselves in Spain without working in the country, as long as they can demonstrate that they have the necessary financial resources to sustain themselves. Additionally, it is important to highlight that with this program it is not necessary to invest in Spain, making it one of the most popular options.

  • Demonstrate sufficient financial resources to live in Spain, for at least two years.
  • Have a medical insurance and a place of residence in Spain.
  • Ensure no member of the family has a serious or contagious disease.
  • Although no investment is requirement, it is recommended to open a bank account in Spain with a deposit of at least 75.000 €, which will speed up the application process.
  • Have no criminal record in Spain or in previous countries of residence in the last 5 years.
  • Explain the reason for moving to Spain.

To apply for a non-lucrative residence permit in Spain, certain documents are required which must be legalized, apostilled and translated into Spanish by a translator recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The necessary documents can be found below:

  • Proof of accomodation in Spain (rental contract or property deed)
  • Medical insurance contracted by an authorized company in Spain.
  • Bank certificate of savings or investment for a minimum amount of 75.000 € (recommended, but not mandatory).
  • Criminal record certificate from the countries in which you have resided during the last 5 years.
  • Medical certificate certifying that no one in your family suffers from a serious or contagious disease.
  • Documentation proving the lawful origin of your net assets.
  • The official application form. ID photograph (35×45 mm), taken within the last 6 months.
  • Birth certificate. Marriage certificate, if applicable.
  • Passport and identity card (and copies of all pages). Letter explaining the reason for your move to Spain.

At VIP Serveis, we will provide you with advice and assistance during the entire process. We will help you prepare and legalize all the necessary documents, including their translation into Spanish. We will also guide you in opening a bank account, finding accommodation, arranging medical insurance and submitting the immigration application to the Spanish authorities. Once your application has been approved, you will receive a special visa for non-lucrative residency and will be able to live in Spain with your family. After some time, you will be able to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship.

  • Your family members, spouse and children under the age of 18 may be included in your immigration process.
  • The first residence card (visa) will be valid for 1 year, and the next two renewals (in the form of residence permit or authorization) will be valid for 2 years each. After these 5 years, you may apply for a permanent residence, which will be valid for 10 years.
  • Non- lucrative residence is governed by the Organic Law 4/2000 on the Rights and Freedoms of Foreigners in Spain and their Social Integration.

2. Residence for real-estate investors.

Spain offers the possibility of obtaining a residence permit and subsequent authorization for the acquisition of real estate, provided that the requirements established by Spanish legislation are met. At VIP Serveis, we understand the popularity of this program and we can help you with the process.

To be considered a real- estate investor and obtain a residence permit in Spain, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Make a real-estate investment of at least 500.000 €;
  • Have sufficient economic resources to reside in Spain, which entails demonstrating regular and stable incomes. Although no exact amount is established, it is recommended to have a minimum income of €2,400 per month for the main applicant and €600 per month for each dependent;
  • Have a medical insurance in Spanish for you and your family;
  • Open a bank account in Spain to deposit the necessary funds;
  • Visit Spain at least once a year to maintain your active residency.

All documents must be translated into Spanish, as well as legalized according to the Hague Apostille, in the necessary cases. The documents required are the following:

  • Documentation proving the commitment to purchase a property for a minimum value of €500,000;
  • National visa application form (original and copy);
  • ID photograph (35×45mm);
  • Birth Certificate;
  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable);
  • Passport and identity documents, and copies of all pages;
  • Medical insurance, either public or private, issued by a government approved agency;
  • Medical certificate attesting that you and your family members do not have any serious or contagious disease;
  • Documentation proving that you have sufficient financial resources to sustain yourself and your family (€2,151 per month for yourself and an additional €538 per month for each of your family members);
  • Criminal record certificate from any country in which you have resided during the last 5 years;
  • The Discharge of Liability Form.

To begin with, we provide you with detailed information on the types of properties available in the country and the best investment options. Additionally, we address any questions you might have related to education, insurance, integration, medical care and administration in Spain.

We then prepare, legalize and translate all of the required documents into Spanish.

Furthermore, we will prepare a customized portfolio for you which will include properties available for purchase in Spain.

It will be necessary for you to travel to Spain to open a bank account and visit the properties you are interested in. We will assist you in the decision-making and purchasing process.

Once the purchase has been made, we will prepare your application and submit it to the Spanish Consulate in your country of origin.

After a few weeks, you will obtain a visa to enter Spain as a resident and subsequently receive your first residence permit (in the form of a long term visa) which will be valid for one year.

  • Your family members, spouse and children under the age of 18 may be included in your immigration process and relocate with you.
  • The first residence card (visa) will be valid for 1 year, and the next two renewals (in the form of residence permit or authorization) will be valid for 2 years each. After these 5 years, you may apply for a permanent residence, which will be valid for 10 years.
  • It is important to highlight that, in the case of foreign investment, the renewal is also possible if you are away from Spain for more than 6 months.
  • The residence permit in Spain for investment in real estate is based on the Law of Entrepreneurs and its Internationalization, specifically Article 63, which establishes the regulation of the residence permit for investors. This law was passed in 2013 and is intended to attract foreign investment to Spain and encourage entrepreneurship and the internationalization of Spanish companies.

3. Resident permit for investors

If you are looking to invest in Spain and you are foreigner, you have the possibility to apply for a residence permit as long as you meet the requirements established by Spanish law. One of the advantages of this program is that it is not necessary to reside permanently in Spain, as you only need to visit the country once a year to request the renewal.

Immigration by investment implies a financial commitment, which can be fulfilled in the following ways:

  • Make a bank deposit of €1,000,000 or more in a Spanish financial institution, with the applicant being the sole holder of the deposit.
  • Invest €1,000,000 in unlisted shares or equity interests of Spanish companies, as documented by the Foreign Investment Registry of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO).
  • Invest €1,000,000 or more in listed shares of Spanish companies, as evidenced by a certificate issued by a financial intermediary registered with the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).
  • Make an investment of €2,000,000 or more in Spanish public debt securities, evidenced by a certificate issued by a financial institution proving ownership and a guarantee of at least 5 years.

In addition to complying with the investment requirements, there are other general conditions that apply, such as:

  • Have the necessary financial
    resources to sustain yourselves in Spain, which is estimated at around €2,400/month for the applicant and €600/month for each dependant member.
  • Have a medical insurance in Spain for all family members.
  • Have a clean criminal record in all your previous countries of residence.
  • Have a medical certificate that accredits the good health of all family members.
  • It will be necessary to open a bank account in Spain to manage investments and other expenses associated with the residence.

All the documents must be officially legalized and translated into Spanish. In addition, if your country is part of the Hague Convention, they must be duly apostilled. The required documents are the following:

  • Documentation proving that you have made the required investment;
  • National visa application form (original and copy);
  • ID photograph (35×45 mm);
  • Birth Certificate;
  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable);
  • Passport and identity documents, and copies of all pages;
  • Medical insurance issued by a government-approved agency;
  • Medical certificate attesting that you and your family members do not have any serious or contagious disease;
  • Documentation proving that you have sufficient financial resources (€2,400 per month for yourself and an additional €600 per month for each of your family members);
  • Criminal record certificate from any country in which you have resided during the last 5 years.

To provide you with the most adequate investment options, our team of experts at VIP Serveis will recommend you the best companies, financial institutions and investment places.
At the beginning of the process we will provide you with all the necessary information and we will answer any queries related to education, insurance, integration, medical assistance, administration and any other aspect related to your relocation to Spain.
We will prepare, legalize and translate all of the required documents into Spanish.
We will prepare a personalized portfolio of properties in Spain for you.
Our team will prepare your application and submit it to the Spanish Consulate in your country. In a few weeks, you will obtain your visa to enter Spain as a resident.
Finally, you will receive your first residence permit (in the form of a long-term visa), which will be valid for one ye

Your family members, spouse and children under the age of 18 may be included in your immigration process and relocate with you.
The first residence card (visa) will be valid for 1 year, and the next two renewals (in the form of residence permit or authorization) will be valid for 2 years each. After these 5 years, you may request the permanent residence, which will be valid for 10 years.
It is important to highlight that, in the case of foreign investment, the renewal is also possible if you are away from Spain for more than 6 months.
The residence permit in Spain for investment in real estate is based on Law 14/2013, of September 27, on support for entrepreneurs and their internationalization. International Mobility Section.

4. Residence for Entrepreneurs

If you are a citizen from a country that does not belong to the European Union or from a State that applies Community law to benefit from the right of residence and free movement, you may apply for a residence permit that is of special economic interest to Spain.
A business activity is considered to be of economic interest for Spain if it contributes to the creation of employment, has an innovative character or implies a significant investment in the economy of the country.

The general requirements for this type of residence permit are detailed below:

  • Prior to application, a project business plan must be prepared, which should include:
    • The profesional profile of the applicant;
    • The activities to be carried out in the business;
    • Indicate, if applicable, how many job positions will be created;
    • Where the project will be developed;
    • The total amount of the investment.
  • The Spanish Economic and Commercial Office must approve your business plan in order for it to be favorable to the Spanish economy;
  • Have sufficient resource to reside in Spain;
  • Medical coverage in Spain for the entire family;
  • Clear criminal record certificate from all of the countries in which you have previously resided;
  • Medical certificate ensuring that no family member has a serious or contagious disease;
  • Open a bank account in Spain.

All the documents must be officially legalized and translated into Spanish. In addition, if your country is part of the Hague Convention, they must be duly apostilled. All of these services can be performed with VIP Serveis. The required documents are the following:

  • Documentation proving that you have made the required investment;
  • National visa application form (original and copy);
  • ID photograph (35×45 mm);
  • Birth Certificate;
  • Marriage Certificate (if married);
  • Passport and identity documents, and copies of all pages;
  • Medical insurance issued by a government-approved agency;
  • Medical certificate attesting that you and your family members do not have any serious or contagious disease;
  • Documentation proving that you have sufficient financial resources;
  • Criminal record certificate from any country in which you have previously resided

VIP Serveis has experts who will provide you with detailed information about the economic situation in Spain, the most favorable sectors, locations, and more. Additionally, during the initial consultation we will address any concerns or questions related to education, insurance, integration, healthcare, administration or any other aspect related to your move to Spain.
Our team is in charge of preparing all the necessary documents and translating them into Spanish. We also prepare a customized portfolio based on your preferences and needs, including properties in Spain for acquisition.
After this, we proceed to prepare your application and submit it to the Spanish Consulate in your country. Within a few weeks, you will receive your visa to enter Spain as a resident, followed by your first residence p

Your family members, spouse and children under the age of 18 may be included in the immigration process and relocate with you.
The first residence card (visa) will be valid for 1 year, and the next two renewals (in the form of residence permit or authorization) will be valid for 2 years each. After these 5 years, you may request the permanent residence, which will be valid for 10 years.

The residency for entrepreneurs is governed by Law 14/2013 of September 27, 2013, to support entrepreneurs and their internationalization. International Mobility Section.


Although the requirements to obtain the Spanish nationality are affordable and the procedure is relatively simple, it is still highly recommended to carry out the procedures with a trustworthy company such as VIP Serveis to avoid unnecessary and unexpected risks. We have the necessary experience and knowledge to significantly speed up the process to approval and increase the chances of success.


Descent, origin and birth

A child has the right to Spanish nationality if:

  • One of the parents is Spanish;
  • Both parents are foreigners, but at least one of them was born in Spain and the child is also born in Spain;
  • Both parents are stateless or unknown;
  • The child is adopted by Spanish parents before the age of 18.


Demonstrating the lineage of Sephardic Jews (By Sephardic origin).



A foreigner that is married to a Spanish citizen, can acquire the nationality, if:

  • The couple has been married for at least 1 year and has never legally separated;
  • The applicant is a widower and has not separated from the Spanish spouse at the time of death.



You can request the Spanish nationality after 10 years of legal and continuous residence in the country prior to application. You must also demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the Spanish language as well as the culture of the country.

There are some exceptions where the 10-year limit may be lower:

  • 5 years, for refugees;
  • 2 years, for nationals of Latin American countries, Andorra, Philippines, Equatorial Guinea and Portugal and Sephardic Jews;
  • 1 year, for persons born in Spanish territory, persons whose parents or grandparents were originally Spanish citizens, widowed spouses of deceased Spanish citizens.

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*You will be able to choose a specific date in the next step.


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